How to Love Being Fat
Fat is not a condemnation of who you are. It can be a celebration of how you look. Every woman is beautiful in her own light. Don't try reaching for someone else's standard of
when you are beautiful just the way you are. Here are a few things you can do to help you love being fat.
Embrace your curves. Don't kid yourself. You are not built like a supermodel. So what? You also have hips, and curves. You look like a woman. Come to terms with the fact that you celebrate a standard of beauty that differs from the mainstream. Realize that you are beautiful.
Surround yourself with images that reflect people who emulate your type of beauty. If you surround yourself with pictures of people who make you feel bad about being who you are, you are setting yourself up against an impossible ideal. Look for things that show you that being fat isn't something to be ashamed of.
Find support. Look for groups locally or online that celebrate being fat with men and women who have learned to love being who they are. Attend events that celebrate being fat instead of hiding from it.
Refuse to sell yourself short. If you rely on the world around you to tell you that you are good enough, you will always be disappointed. You can only find true acceptance within yourself. You show the world how to treat you by the way you treat yourself, so learn to love your fat, and the world will too.
Fat is not a condemnation of who you are. It can be a celebration of how you look. Every woman is beautiful in her own light. Don't try reaching for someone else's standard of
when you are beautiful just the way you are. Here are a few things you can do to help you love being fat.
Embrace your curves. Don't kid yourself. You are not built like a supermodel. So what? You also have hips, and curves. You look like a woman. Come to terms with the fact that you celebrate a standard of beauty that differs from the mainstream. Realize that you are beautiful.
Surround yourself with images that reflect people who emulate your type of beauty. If you surround yourself with pictures of people who make you feel bad about being who you are, you are setting yourself up against an impossible ideal. Look for things that show you that being fat isn't something to be ashamed of.
Find support. Look for groups locally or online that celebrate being fat with men and women who have learned to love being who they are. Attend events that celebrate being fat instead of hiding from it.
Refuse to sell yourself short. If you rely on the world around you to tell you that you are good enough, you will always be disappointed. You can only find true acceptance within yourself. You show the world how to treat you by the way you treat yourself, so learn to love your fat, and the world will too.