How to Make a $100 Outfit Look Like $1000

How to Make a $100 Outfit Look Like $1000

Turning an outfit that only cost you $100 to an outfit that looks like it cost you a $1000 is not a difficult accomplishment. With a few additions here and there, you and your outfit will be a knockout in no time. Follow the steps below to learn how you to can make this amazing transition.


Get amazing shoes for your outfit. What shoes you wear can make or break your new outfit. Amazingly, the shoes do not have to be expensive ones. As long as they make your outfit stand out, they match, and you are comfortable in them, they are guaranteed to help accent your outfit.


Add fascinating


. This type of addition will improve any outfit, regardless if you are trying to make a statement or not. You may need to wear jewelry that is more than flattering. Big jewelry that looks expensive will do the job. You can buy costume jewelry from almost anywhere for just a fraction of the price and they will make your outfit look like a $1000.


Fix your hair. If you normally wear your hair in a ponytail or pulled up, it is time to wear it down. If you do not like the way your hair looks down, put a clip or beret in your hair that has jewels that match the jewelry that you are wearing. You will be amazed at the difference your hair can make when concerned with your outfit. Many times the individual makes the difference in the outfit, and not the accessories.




. You may be turning up your nose at this suggestion but you will add hundreds of dollars to how your outfit looks.